How to browse the database results from the "Results" page?

After selecting the tree species of interest a Country table is displayed where all countries where this species is present are shown.

  • Each country has multiple locations per selected species. The locations are shown after choosing a specific Country.
  • After choosing a specific Location a detailed table containing climate information for this location is shown, as well as three graphics - The average growth index for the location for a period of years, the Temperature and Precipitation information for the same set of years.
  • Below the graphs a table containing all sequence samples is shown.
  • Selecting a sequence id displays a graph containing the growth index measured and computed values for a set of years for the selected sequence and a graph showing the average growth index for the same set of years.
  • Changing the selection on any of the tables changes the data related to this selection.

How to get results for my data?

The SPPAM web application does not handle the analisys and data processing. This is done by the SPPAM program. In order to get your data processed you should upload it.

To be able to upload data a user must be logged-in in the system. Uploading is done from the Upload page.

  • The uploaded files must be in .csv format and contained in a .zip file. other filetypes will not be accepted by the system!
  • Processing of the data may take up to a week and after it has been processed the results are accessible from MyUploads page which is unique for each logged-in user.

This website is still under development, and some data processing difficulties may be present. So please be patient!